Category: इंग्लिश ग्रामर सीखे

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Adverb (एडवर्ब) – क्रिया विशेषण

  Adverb (एडवर्ब) – क्रिया विशेषण Adverb शब्द-भेद की श्रेणी को कहते हैं जिनसे verb, adjective या अन्य adverb के अर्थ को सुधारते या उसकी विशेषता प्रकट करते हैं उनके बारे में अतिरिक्त जानकारी देते हैं. Adverb is the part of speech that provide additional information about some verb, adjective or some other adverb. जैसे…
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Chapter 6 – Adverb (एडवर्ब) – क्रिया विशेषण

Chapter 6 – Adverb (एडवर्ब) – क्रिया विशेषण Adverb (एडवर्ब) – क्रिया विशेषण Kind of Adverbs (एडवर्ब के प्रकार) Use an Adverb (एडवर्ब का उपयोग) Simple Adverbs (साधारण क्रियाविशेषण)

Auxiliaries ओक्ज़ीलयरिज़

  Auxiliaries ओक्ज़ीलयरिज़ Often to complete the mood, tense or other information in a sentence a supporting verb is (or verbs are) used along with the main verb of sentence. These supporting or assiting verbs are known as Auxiliary verbs. किसी वाक्ये के भाव (mood), काल (Tense), व्यक्ति (Person) और संख्या (Number) को सही और…
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Gerund जिरन्ड

  Gerund जिरन्ड The form of the verb that is used in a sentence as a noun, while still retaining the power of a verb, is called Gerund. जेरन्ड (Gerund) क्रिया का वह रूप है जिसे क्रिया की शक्ति को बरकरार रखते हुये, वाक्य में संज्ञा कि तरह उपयोग किया जाता है. for e.g. –…
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The Participle – पार्टीसिपल (पूर्व कालिक क्रिया)

  The Participle – पार्टीसिपल (पूर्व कालिक क्रिया) Participles are used to define the forms of the verbs for the continuous and perfect tenses. It is also used to qualify nouns or pronouns. पार्टिसिपल से क्रिया के continous और perfect रूप बनाये जाते हैं. इनका उप्योग noun और pronoun के वर्णन के लिये भी किया…
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The Infinitive – इनफिनीटिव

  The Infinitive – इनफिनीटिव The base form of a verb, that is often preceded by to in a sentence is known as the infinitive. Although sometimes it still is an infinitive when it is used without the to. इनफिनीटिव वर्ब का मूल रूप है जिसके पहले वाक्य में आम तौर पर to का उपयोग…
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Person and Number व्यक्ति और संख्या

  Person and Number व्यक्ति और संख्या Verb By Person  क्रिया – व्यक्ति के अनुसार Just like personal pronouns change form with person, verbs too have different forms for first, second and third persons. Personal pronouns की ही तरह verbs के भी first, second और third person के अलग अलग रूप होते हैं. While using…
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Tenses (काल)

  Tenses (काल) Another important role of the verb is to given an indication of the relation of an action in relation to the time-frame. It should be clear whether the action is current, occured in the past is expected to occur in the future. Verb की एक और महत्वपूर्ण भुमिका कर्म का समय चक्र…
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Mood (भाव)

  Mood (भाव) The most common use of the verb is to describe an event or ask a question. Besides this the verb is used to issue an order or express the possibility. These different situations that a verb describes are known as moods. क्रिया का सबसे साधरण प्रयोग किसी घटना का वर्णन करना या…
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Active and Passive Voice कर्तृवाच्य एवं कर्मवाच्य

  Active and Passive Voice कर्तृवाच्य एवं कर्मवाच्य निम्न वाक्यों की तुलना कीजिये. Raju helps Hari. Hari is helped by Raju. The content of both the sentences is same. But, the first statement the form of the verb shows that Raju – the subject of the sentence – is doing something, is active, whereas the…
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