CBSE Class 10 Social Science The Nationalsit Movement in Indo-China HOTS

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CBSE Class 10 Social Science The Nationalsit Movement in Indo-China HOTS

Q.1. How has Vietnam become the third largest exporter of rice in the world during French colonialisation ? Explain four causes. [CBSE Comp. (D) 2008]
Ans. (i) The French began by building canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation.
(ii) The vast system of irrigation works-canals and earthworks-built mainly with forced labour, increased rice production and allowed the export of rice to the international market.
(iii) The area under rice cultivation went up from about 2,74,000 hectares in 1873 to around 1.1 million hectares in 1900 and 2.2 million in 1930.
(iv) Construction of railways also helped in the expansion of rice market.

Q.2. Explain any four features of the colonial economy of Vietnam.
[CBSE Comp. (D) 2008]
Describe any three steps taken by the French in Vietnam for building colonial
economy.    [CBSE March 2012]
Ans. (i) The colonial economy in Vietnam was  primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantation owned by the French and a small Vietnamese elites.
(ii) Rail and port facilities were set up to serve this sector.
(iii) Indentured Vietnamese labour was widely used in the rubber plantation.
(iv) Agriculture production was very low. There was extensive indebtness among the peasants.

Q.3. Explain any three steps taken by the French to achieve their aim to exploit the !  natural resources of Vietnam. [CBSE 2009 (F), March 2011]
Ans. (i) Irrigation System : The French started building canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation. The vast system of irrigation works-canals and earthworks was built with forced labour.
(ii) Infrastructure : They also built roads, railways to increase trade and control the entire region. The Trans Indo-China rail network linking north and south parts was built.
(iii) Infrastructure for plantation : Rail and port facilities were set up for rubber plantations which were owned by French.

Q.4. What ideas did Phan Boi Chau and Phan Chau Trinh share in common ? What did they differ on ?
Describe the ideas of PhanChu Trinh regarding the establishment of democratic republic in Vietnam.[CBSE 2010 (F)]
Who were Phan Boi Chau and Phan Chu Trinh ? What was the goal for which both of them worked ? How did their opinion differ in achieving their goal ? [CBSE 2012]
Ans. Both Phan Boi Chau and Phan Chau Trinh were Vietnamese nationalists to the core. Both were absolutely anti-colonialists and worked to free Vietnam from the French domination.
Chau and Trinh, both wanted to modernise Vietnam.
In short, both Chau and Trinh were looking at the same end – a free sovereign modern Vietnam.
However, they differed on the means to pursue the same end. Their views on different issues can be briefly tabulated as follows :

Q.5. How did the textbooks represent Vietnamese during the period of French colonization ? Explain. [CBSE 2014]
Ans. (i) School textbooks glorified the French and justified colonial rule while Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward.
(ii) They were capable of manual labour but not of intellectual reflection.
(iii) They could work in the fields but not rule themselves.
(iv) They were ‘skilled copyists’ but not creative.
(v) School children were told that only French rule could ensure peace in Vietnam. Since the establishment of French rule, the Vietnamese peasant no longer lives in constant terror of pirates.

Q.6. To counter the Chinese influence what steps did the French take in the sphere of education ? What were the two broad opinions on this question ? [CBSE 2012]
Ans. (1) To counter Chinese influence, French took the following steps:
(ii) They dismantled the traditional education system of Vietnam.
(iii) They established French school of Vietnamese.
(iv) They propagated Western culture among Vietnamese youths.
(v) The few who learnt French and acquired French culture were to be rewarded with French citizenship.

(2) Two broad opinions:
(i) Some emphasized the need to use the French language as medium of instruction.
(ii) Others were opposed to French being the only medium of instruction. They suggested French to be taught in higher classes and Vietnamese in lower classes.

Q.7. How was the idea of “looking modem” implemented in Tonkin Free School ? Explain.           [CBSE 2012]
Ans. (i) Students were suggested to adopt Western style of education.
(ii) This education included classes in science, hygiene and French.
(iii) Traditionally, Vietnamese youths kept long hair. They were asked to cut their hair short.
(iv) These schools encouraged students to wear western clothes to play western games.
(v) French promoted the youths to study Western customs.

Q.8. How did the long war between the US and Vietnam come to an end ? Describe. [CBSE 2012]
Ans. (i) The US failed to achieve its objective. Vietnam’s resistance could not be crushed.
(ii) It proved costly to the US. There were high casualties on the US side.
(iii) It was the first war shown on the television. Battles were shown on daily news world over.
(iv) People were disillusioned with the US and its policy of war was criticized.
(v) Widespread questioning of government policy strengthened moves to end war. Finally, a peac treaty was signed in Paris in January, 1974.

Q.9. Explain the reasons for the French Colonisers to scrap the bounty programme for rat hunting in 1902-03. [CBSE 2014]
What was the purpose to start ‘Rat Hunt’ programme by the French in Vietnam in 1902 ? How the purpose got defeated ?[CBSE 2012]
Describe the ‘Rat Hunt’ activity introduced by the French in Vietnam.
[CBSE 2015 (O)]
Ans. (1) (i) The modern part of Hanoi was struck by bubonic plague. To fight the plague, French started Rat Hunt programme in 1902.
(ii) The people were paid for each rat they hunted.
(2) (i) The purpose of rat hunt was finally defeated.
(ii) The French hired Vietnamese workers to catch the rats and paid them for the same. This proved a failed attempt.
(iii) Vietnamese befooled the government by just showing the tail and allowing the rate to go free.
(iv) They took it as a way to earn profit.
(v) Defeated by the resistance of the weak, the French were forced to scrap the bounty programme.

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