Guru Nanak Dev Essay in English

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Guru Nanak Dev

A precious child was born in 1469 in a khatri family at Talwandi, near Lahore. The village is called Nankana Sahib which is now in Paki­stan.

The name of the boy was Nanak, known to the world as Guru Nanak Dev.

At the age of seven he joined the village school. He was very intelligent, and learned the alphabet in one day. Once he com­posed a beautiful hymn which is now in Guru Granth Sahib.

He used to think about God for hours together. When his father gave him twenty rupees to do some profitable business, he” spent the money on feeding the hungry men.

His father became worried about his work and approach towards life. So Nanak was married at the age of fourteen.

But even marriage could not stop him from thinking about God. His father sent him to Sultanpur and was made a Government store-keeper by the Governor, Daulat Khan Lodhi.

He was quite sin­cere to his work. One morning after taking a bath in kalibai river, he went into the forest. There he heard the command of God to teach the people to remember Him. He turned saint from that day.

He preached that the people are not Hindus and Muslims but the children of one God. He believed in one God.

He advised people to search God within themselves. To spread his message he visited many places in India.

He taught people to believe in God and do away with casteism. He went to Arabia also. After his return from there he lived near river Tapi at Kartarpur until he died.


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