Social Sciences Civics CBSE Class 10 Power Sharing VSAQ

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Social Sciences Civics CBSE Class 10 Power Sharing VSAQ

Q.1.What do you mean by the word ethnic ?
Ans. A social division based on shared culture. People belonging to the same ethnic group believe in their common descent because of similarities of physical type or of culture or both.

Q.2.Which ethnic group in Belgium has the largest population ?
Ans. Flemish.

Q.3.‘The tension between Dutch-speaking and French-speaking communities was more acute in Brussels’. Give reason.
Ans.The minority French-speaking community was relatively rich and powerful. So the Dutch¬speaking community, who got the benefit of economic development and education much later showed the resentment between the Dutch-speaking and the French-speaking communities.

Q.4.Which are the most important social groups of Sri Lanka ? –
Ans. (i) Sinhala speaking (ii) Tamil speaking
Q.5Which ethnic group is in majority in Sri Lanka ?
Ans. Sinhala

Q.6.Name the two sub groups of Tamils in Sri Lanka. [CBSE 2014]
Ans. (i) Sri Lankan Tamils (ii) Indian Tamils

Q.7.When did Sri Lanka emerge as an independent nation ? [CBSE Sep. 2010, 11]
Ans. 1948

Q.8.What is a Civil War ?
Ans. It is a violent conflict between the opposing groups within a country, for example the conflict between Sinhalese and Indian Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Q.9. Name the ethnic group of Sri Lanka which were involved in a Civil War.
Ans. (i) Sri Lankan Tamils or the Sinhalese (ii) Indian Tamils

Q.10. What is majoritarianism ? Name a country which has lost peace due to this. [CBSE Sep. 2013]
Ans. A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority. Sri Lanka.

Q.11. Power shared among different organs of government is known as horizontal distribution of power. Give reason.
Ans. Because it allows different organs of government placed at the same level to exercise different powers.

Q.12. State one prudential reason and one moral reason for power sharing from the Indian content.
Ans. (i) India is a multicultural society.
(ii) India is a democratic country.

Q.13. What is different between prudential and moral reasons for power sharing ?
Ans. Prudential reasons stress that power sharing will bring out better outcomes, whereas moral reasons emphasis the very act of power sharing as valuable.

Q.’14. Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is a third kind of government in Belgium. Which is that third kind of government ?
Ans. Community government.

Q.15. What is the basic principle of democracy ?
Ans. The basic principle of democracy is that people are the source of all political power.

Q.16. For a long time it was believed that all power of government must reside in one person or group of persons located at one place. Give reason.
Ans. It was felt that if the power to decide is dispersed, it would not be possible to take quick decisions.

Q.17. What is a community government ?
Ans. A community government is one in which different social groups are given the power to handle the affairs related to their communities. They are expected to work jointly for the benefit of the common masses without undermining any one community.

Q.18. Name the most important organs of the government.
Ans. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary

Q.19. What is a federal government ?
Ans. It is a government under which two or more than two sets of governments govern the country.

Q.20. What is a reserved constituency ?
Ans. A reserved constituency is a constituency which is reserved for a particular section of the society.

Q.21. What is the importance of reserved constituency ?
Ans. This type of arrangement is meant to give space in the government and administration to diverse social group who otherwise would feel alienated from the government.

Q.22. What is die system of checks and balances in power sharing ? [CBSE 2014]
Ans. Under this system one organ of the • government keeps the check over the other. None of the organs can exercise unlimited powers. This keeps a balance of power among various institutions.

Q-23. The system of ‘checks and balances’ comes under which form of power sharing. [CBSE 2014]
Ans. Horizontal power sharing.

Q.24. What is a coalition government ?
Ans. A coalition government is a cabinet of parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate. It generally happens when no party gets a majority in the parliament and several parties join together to prove their majority.

Q.25. In Sri Lanka, the democratically elected government adopted a series of which measures to establish Sinhala supremacy ? Mention any one. [CBSE Sept.2010]
Ans. They established a Majoritarian government.

Q.26. State two main bases of social division in Sri Lanka. [CBSE 2008 (D) Compt.]
Ans. (i) Religion (ii) Language

Q.27. Which is the state religion of Sri Lanka ?
Ans. Buddhism.

Q.28. Which two languages are generally spoken in Belgium ? [CBSE 2010, 11]
Ans. French and Dutch

Q.29. Give one example of horizontal sharing of power. [CBSE 2010, 11]
Ans. Power sharing among Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.

Q.30. Who elects the community government in Belgium ? [CBSE Sept. 2010]
Ans. People belonging to one language community- Dutch, French and German.

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